Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Quilt pockets


I have been looking for a way to hold up larger quilts for photos, and came across the great idea of pocket corners. It’s so simple and works perfectly!

After a a couple of tries, I found a great size to make so thought I’d share it.

Cut a 5 1/2” x 9” rectangle of fabric,  I used a calico, which was sturdy but not too thick. 
Fold in half, so the short sides meet. Sew along the top edge.
Open out and fold down to create a point. 
Trim off the bottom to make a neat triangle.

Fold and press up a 1/4” seam allowance.
Top stitch to hold in place.
Top stitch the other 2 sides, leaving the opening for a pole.
Use safety pins or basting stitch the pocket to the quilt. I did large stitches on my machine, close to the binding which was secure and easy.
Now insert a pole into the pocket to make holding up for a photo easy. 
Simply remove after your photos and reuse on others quilts.

 I found some extending mop handles in the supermarket which was perfect. These worked great as they wasn’t as long to travel for a quilt in the wild photo too. Hopefully this come in useful to someone.